Donor-advised funds began in the 1930s, but in recent years these funds have become the fastest growing vehicle in philanthropy. Contributions to donor-advised funds grew at three times the rate of total charitable giving in 2016 according to the National Philanthropic Trust. Donor-advised funds defined: Donor-advised funds (DAF) are donor-established philanthropic funds that are maintained, operated… Read more »
Transparency and Stability: Keys to Surviving Criticism, Change, or Even Worse Scandal
Nonprofits, philanthropy and fundraising have been my life for a long time now. During this time, I have been through periods of growth and economic downturns, leadership resignations, and even some times of crisis. As I sat down to think about the common threads that have helped organizations weather the ups and downs, the common… Read more »
Could the Tax Reform Impact Your Donors? And What Should You Do?
Under the tax reform that passed last month, some changes could impact your donors and charitable giving for your organization. Reduced number of taxpayers qualifying for charitable tax deductions With fewer Americans qualifying for tax deductions, we could see fewer dollars given to nonprofits. One study by the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy predicts… Read more »
Giving USA 2017: Donations reach new high of $390 billion!
American individuals, estates, foundations and corporations contributed an estimated $390.05 billion to U.S. charities in 2016, according to Giving USA 2017: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2016, released today. Giving USA is the longest-running and most comprehensive report of its kind in America. It is published by Giving USA Foundation, a public… Read more »
Key takeaways from our client who just raised $8.5 million
While mistakes can be valuable learning opportunities, this is a case where the client did everything right. Blue Ridge Community College followed our advice to the letter—and the results speak for themselves. Founded in 1967, Blue Ridge Community College offers comprehensive programs of instruction including associate degrees, diplomas and certificates in occupational/technical and college/university transfer… Read more »
UNDERDOG SUCCESS STORY: How a small, rural museum raised $3 million
To Virginia’s secluded Eastern Shore community, the Barrier Islands Center is more than a museum, education center and tourist attraction—it’s a cherished gathering place. Founded in 1996, the Barrier Islands Center introduces visitors to the history of the islands and surrounds them in the rich history of the Eastern Shore. In 2009, the Barrier Islands Center… Read more »
Understanding Prospect Research, Part II
When trying to implement prospect research at your nonprofit, you first must get a handle on the benefits, targets and methods of prospect research. 1. What types of donors can prospect research identify? The top donors for targeting your prospect research are: Major gift donors By ranking prospects according to their ability and affinity to… Read more »
7 steps to score a prospect meeting
It seems like people are busier than ever these days, and trying to connect with a donor for an in-person meeting can be a challenge. For that reason, nonprofit professionals often rely heavily on mailings and emails to communicate with donors. However, making the effort to meet with prospective and current donors face-to-face is one of the… Read more »
What a Funder Wants: How foundations and corporations decide whom—and how much—to fund
We heard it straight from the source. Each year, key organizations that guide fundraising in our region come together at the sold-out Funders Forum, hosted by VOLUNTEER Hampton Roads. I was honored to be asked, once again, to moderate the panel at the April 6 event. In addition, our firm’s executive vice president, Wendy McGrady,… Read more »
Gift revenue up last year—and more expected, survey shows
Two out of three charitable organizations said their gift revenue increased in 2015, and nearly seven out of 10 expect to raise more money in the coming year, according to survey results released Monday by the Nonprofit Research Collaborative. As chair of Giving USA Foundation, which is a sponsor of this survey, I was encouraged… Read more »