At the AFP International Conference last week, Archbishop Desmond Tutu reminded the fundraising crowd of their vocation, their calling, their noble profession, and that the word philanthropy meant “love of humankind.”
While preparing to lead a board retreat earlier this week, I was reminded that what we are all really trying to do is give people the opportunity to participate in something that will allow them to express their care and concern for their fellow humans—such a basic, but ultimately powerful act.
As the nation celebrates National Volunteer Week, it seems timely to reflect on the significance of what we do. Whether you’re a board member, volunteer, or staff member of a nonprofit, you are inviting people to participate in something that could have life-changing impact—on the organization, on the people it serves, and on the donor themselves.
We, as development professionals, do have a noble profession and an opportunity to make a great impact on our world—if only one person at a time.
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