Let’s Talk Fundraising Interview – Donor-Advised Funds

Posted , by Keith Curtis, President. Topic: Donors, Gift Solicitation, Major Gifts Programs, Webinars and Videos.

Let’s Talk Fundraising with Keith and Victoria following up on Keith’s presentation with Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) .   In less than 3 minutes, you will gain a better understanding of why donor-advised funds are such a hot topic for fundraisers and donors, and what you as a professional should be doing to engage… Read more »

Giving USA 2019: Giving reached $427 billion amid a complex year!

Posted , by Keith Curtis, President. Topic: Donor Retention, Donors, Fundraising, Giving USA, High-Net-Worth Individuals, Major Donors, Major Gifts Programs.

On the heels of a decade of unprecedented growth, we celebrate the year for what it was – a complex year with incredible generosity. I could spend hours talking to you (but I won’t) about studies, statistics, shifts in giving patterns, the impact of the economy, the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, public policy, and… Read more »

Fundraising Trends To Improve Donor Relations and Fundraising Strategy

Posted , by Victoria Dietz, Vice President. Topic: Donor Communication, Donor Retention, Donors, High-Net-Worth Individuals, Major Donors, Major Gifts Programs, Philanthropy Events.

Earlier this month, we enjoyed catching up with old friends and making new ones at the 2018 VFRI conference. This year in particular was incredible as I had the opportunity to chair the conference. I was inspired by the passion that my fellow fundraisers have for their organizations and for our profession. I was invigorated by… Read more »

Giving USA 2018: Giving reached over $400 billion!

Posted , by Keith Curtis, Founder, President. Topic: Donor Communication, Donor Retention, Giving USA, High-Net-Worth Individuals, Major Gifts Programs.

Powered by a booming stock market and a strong economy, charitable giving by American individuals, bequests, foundations and corporations to U.S. charities surged to an estimated $410.02 billion in 2017, according to Giving USA 2018: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2017, released today. Giving USA is the longest-running and most comprehensive report of its kind… Read more »

Decoding Donor-Advised Funds: From Data to Practical

Posted , by Keith Curtis, Founder, President. Topic: Donor Communication, Funds and Funders, Gift Solicitation, High-Net-Worth Individuals, Major Gifts Programs, Philanthropy Research & Events, Year-End Giving.

Donor-advised funds began in the 1930s, but in recent years these funds have become the fastest growing vehicle in philanthropy. Contributions to donor-advised funds grew at three times the rate of total charitable giving in 2016 according to the National Philanthropic Trust. Donor-advised funds defined: Donor-advised funds (DAF) are donor-established philanthropic funds that are maintained, operated… Read more »

5 ways to make your major gifts program a major success

Posted , by Victoria Dietz, Consultant. Topic: Major Gifts Programs.

Putting a major gifts process in place doesn’t happen overnight; it takes a strategic cultivation plan tailored to each potential donor. But as we’ve seen time and again, the result is always worth the effort. Here are five important ways to improve your chances for success: 1. Know your “rights.” Is it bad timing? Am… Read more »

Resolve to focus on major gifts: 4 tips to get you started

Posted , by Wendy McGrady, Executive Vice President. Topic: Major Gifts Programs.

I love New Year’s. I love New Year’s resolutions or really any reason to think fresh, set new goals and take stock of progress. If you’re like me, you’ve probably made one too many New Year’s resolutions you didn’t keep. What are your goals for your development program next year? If you want to focus… Read more »

Tips to Help Your Board Raise Major Gifts – As Published in The Major Gifts Report

Posted , by Keith Curtis, President. Topic: Boards of Directors, Major Gifts Programs.

As a nonprofit staff member, how can you help create a board of directors who are both willing and able to do their part in raising major gifts for your organization? Nonprofit consultant Keith Curtis, whose company The Curtis Group provides board development training, among other consulting services, says the process starts with board recruitment and continues… Read more »

Giving as an Investment

Posted , by Wendy McGrady. Topic: Major Gifts Programs.

At the Volunteer Hampton Roads conference last Friday, we heard a speaker talking about giving as an investment. If you’ve heard us speak about major gift fundraising, you’ve heard us say that donors, now more than ever, view their major gifts as investments. That means that we, as development professionals and board members, need to be prepared… Read more »

Major Gifts: Guidance from the Experts

Posted , by Keith Curtis. Topic: Major Gifts Programs.

Last week Wendy and I taught a two-day Development and Fundraising course at Tidewater Community College’s Academy for Nonprofit Excellence. On the second day, Kay Stine of Norfolk Collegiate School, Billy Foster of TowneBank, and Christine Morris of Hampton Roads Community Foundation served on a panel that addressed issues surrounding major gift asks. All of… Read more »