This month we published an article on Bloomerang about year-end fundraising, written by Vice President Victoria Dietz. Don’t miss these important tips for a critical time of year to your nonprofit’s bottom line: “10 Steps to a Winning Year-End Fundraising Appeal”
Posts Categorized: Fundraising
7 mistakes to avoid in your year-end fundraising
It’s fall, so if you haven’t started planning your year-end appeals, you’re late—but not too late! Over 40% of giving occurs in last four months of year. But Google has found that donors begin their research in August, and that online donation-related searches increase 30% from August to September. Of course, December is still king for when… Read more »
5 ways to make your major gifts program a major success
Putting a major gifts process in place doesn’t happen overnight; it takes a strategic cultivation plan tailored to each potential donor. But as we’ve seen time and again, the result is always worth the effort. Here are five important ways to improve your chances for success: 1. Know your “rights.” Is it bad timing? Am… Read more »
Not another year-end appeal! 12 writing tips to stand out & inspire action
If you’ve worked in the nonprofit world more than a year, you might already be weary of the pressure to maximize year-end gifts. It’s not that different for your donors, who are often bombarded with requests as December 31 looms closer. The way you communicate your message is key to cutting through the clutter and… Read more »
Resolve to focus on major gifts: 4 tips to get you started
I love New Year’s. I love New Year’s resolutions or really any reason to think fresh, set new goals and take stock of progress. If you’re like me, you’ve probably made one too many New Year’s resolutions you didn’t keep. What are your goals for your development program next year? If you want to focus… Read more »
New Year… Let’s Try Something New
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t appreciate the chance to start fresh, to try something new, to take on a new opportunity. Why not let your New Year’s resolution infiltrate your fundraising strategy? Here are a few things to consider as your plan for the new year. 1. Remember why you are doing it –… Read more »
Tips to Help Your Board Raise Major Gifts – As Published in The Major Gifts Report
As a nonprofit staff member, how can you help create a board of directors who are both willing and able to do their part in raising major gifts for your organization? Nonprofit consultant Keith Curtis, whose company The Curtis Group provides board development training, among other consulting services, says the process starts with board recruitment and continues… Read more »
National Estate Planning Awareness Week: Focus on Planned Giving
The Association for Fundraising Professionals and their strategic partners adopted the third week in October as National Estate Planning Awareness Week. Through this initiative, AFP and the Financial Awareness Foundation hope to educate, highlight and celebrate estate planning and the important role nonprofits play in this field. According to the 2012 Bank of America Study of… Read more »
According to Google, September Online Research Drives Year-End Giving
How soon is too soon to begin year-end fundraising? According to a new Google and Millward Brown Digital Path to Donation research study, engaging your donors before the first chill is in the air may be the answer. In 2012, Google noticed an interesting trend: donation-related searches increased by 30 percent from August to September…. Read more »
“Donor-Centered Fundraising” Defined
AFP of Hampton Roads recently hosted a seminar featuring industry expert Penelope Burke on “Donor-Centered Fundraising,” which is also the title of a study published by her research firm Cyngus Applied Research, Inc. Burke opened her presentation with three attributes donors define as most important when making a gift to a nonprofit. 1. Receiving prompt, meaningful acknowledgment… Read more »