As we celebrate The Curtis Group’s 30th anniversary, I could reflect and reminisce on the past, and maybe I will at a later date. But today, I would rather look to the future of fundraising and philanthropy. Below are six philanthropic trends that I think will impact fundraising in 2019. High-net-worth donors continue to give… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Fundraising
Does your development plan avoid these common pitfalls?
A Strategic Plan is Not a Development Plan. Your Development Plan is the Next Step Has your organization recently updated its strategic plan or is about to begin that process? If the answer is yes, that is great news! Thinking about your short- and long-term organizational goals and strategies to achieve them is integral to… Read more »
Speak Their Language: Help Donors Make the Best Possible Gift
There is a lot at play right now with last year’s tax law changes. No one knows how changes will affect giving this year. What we do know is that we need to talk to our donors about options for giving. More than likely, the terms and definitions offered below will be familiar to you… Read more »
Fundraising Trends To Improve Donor Relations and Fundraising Strategy
Earlier this month, we enjoyed catching up with old friends and making new ones at the 2018 VFRI conference. This year in particular was incredible as I had the opportunity to chair the conference. I was inspired by the passion that my fellow fundraisers have for their organizations and for our profession. I was invigorated by… Read more »
Giving USA 2018: Giving reached over $400 billion!
Powered by a booming stock market and a strong economy, charitable giving by American individuals, bequests, foundations and corporations to U.S. charities surged to an estimated $410.02 billion in 2017, according to Giving USA 2018: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2017, released today. Giving USA is the longest-running and most comprehensive report of its kind… Read more »
Nonprofit Sector’s Impact on US Economy – What it Means for You
A recently released study found nonprofits are the third largest workforce in the country behind only manufacturing and retail. According to the report Nonprofits: America’s Third Largest Workforce, from Johns Hopkins Nonprofit Economic Data Project, the nonprofit sector in America employs 11.9 million people. As someone who has devoted my career to the nonprofit sector, this is… Read more »
Lead Board Meetings That Ignite Passion and Engagement
Spring is a busy time in the nonprofit world. So many organizations host galas, golf tournaments, run/walks and other fundraising events. But before you become consumed by centerpieces and table assignments, consider this: How are you engaging your board? As you quickly approach the end of your fiscal year or prepare for annual meetings,… Read more »
Decoding Donor-Advised Funds: From Data to Practical
Donor-advised funds began in the 1930s, but in recent years these funds have become the fastest growing vehicle in philanthropy. Contributions to donor-advised funds grew at three times the rate of total charitable giving in 2016 according to the National Philanthropic Trust. Donor-advised funds defined: Donor-advised funds (DAF) are donor-established philanthropic funds that are maintained, operated… Read more »
Transparency and Stability: Keys to Surviving Criticism, Change, or Even Worse Scandal
Nonprofits, philanthropy and fundraising have been my life for a long time now. During this time, I have been through periods of growth and economic downturns, leadership resignations, and even some times of crisis. As I sat down to think about the common threads that have helped organizations weather the ups and downs, the common… Read more »
Could the Tax Reform Impact Your Donors? And What Should You Do?
Under the tax reform that passed last month, some changes could impact your donors and charitable giving for your organization. Reduced number of taxpayers qualifying for charitable tax deductions With fewer Americans qualifying for tax deductions, we could see fewer dollars given to nonprofits. One study by the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy predicts… Read more »